Friday, 27 June 2008

Signing up

A very exciting moment this week when an adorable contract dropped through the letterbox from my German publishers, the incredibly discerning Ullstein Verlag. This was full of baffling clauses about rights and royalties and other stuff which didn't even ruffle my coiffure as it whizzed so far over my head. Naturally I didn't stop for a second to read the small print - I couldn't even begin to understand the big print in 24 point bold - and just whipped out my favourite ink pen, given to me by a lovely friend Abroad for my fortieth birthday party some years, ahem, only a couple of days, ago (I never know whether people want their names mentioned but think it's safer not to (Mr X! Shudder!) unless given express permission). She said then that the pen would help me write my name with a flourish at booksignings and, though I tried to be insouciant about such a dim, distant prospect I was utterly thrilled at the idea. Now it's moved a step closer! Yippee! The book is called Hot Chocolate and will be published in the Autumn of 2009. Everyone order your Linguaphone courses now - and cross your fingers, please, for a UK publisher too!


Lindsay said...

How very very exciting!

MsCatMinder said...

Your book is in German ? oo er ....

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I look forward to hearing more about it.

Best wishes,

slippers said...

Gutentarg.....well done to you xxx

ADDY said...

Mein Gott, wie ist es, dass dein Buch auf deutsch ist? I did German at uni if it is any use to you!!(see the earlier part of my blog)

DD's Diary said...

Hello Lindsay, yes, I'm a bit over-excited - but it's so nice to have something good to write about!

DD's Diary said...

Hello MsCC, if I may call you that, yes it is in German, or should I say da? It is the only word I know after all ....

DD's Diary said...

Thank you dear Goodbye, I look forward to droning on about it endlessly, and hope your headache is better btw!

DD's Diary said...

Dear Slippers, thanks so much xx

DD's Diary said...

Oooh, Rosiero, you've completely lost me there, I haven't got the Linguaphone course yet (still waiting for The Secret to deliver it) ...will hie me hence to the early part of your blog ...