Tuesday 31 March 2009

Hot Potato

I'm not quite sure who this charming lady is, but she has a very clever tip to pass on to you:


Potato salad will never be the same again!


Anonymous said...

At first I thought it was too much fuss...but if one were entertaining, necessitating loads of spuds it would be very efficient.

Anonymous said...

Damn! dratted computer is playing up and I can't get YouTube...I shall forever be wondering.


DD's Diary said...

Actually, I'm not sure I'd ever do this, as getting the ice is a major exploit chez Divorce Towers, but for people with one of those fab American-style fridges I should think this is the biz ...sorry you're not seeing it, NWBD. Basically she scores the potato around its waist, boils it for 15 mins, then drops it in ice water, whereupon, hey presto, you can twist off the skin like magic!

Anonymous said...

Got it working!

Crikey, could you be bothered?


DD's Diary said...

I think you're right, Not Waving - might be simpler to go down to Sainsbury's and buy their potato salad ....as I sheepishly admit I have just done .....